The Thar district derives its name from Thar and Parker. The name Thar is from Thul, the general term for the regions sand ridges and the word Parkar literary means “to cross over”. Earlier it was known as the thar and parker district but afterwards it became one word ‘Tharparker’.
Tharparker is a district that occurs in the south east of Sindh. It happens to be one of the 23 districts of the Sindh Province. More than 90% of the people live in more than 200 rural villages. The headquarters of the thar is known as Mithi. A very large area of tharparker constitutes of the Thar Desert. The language spoken in tharparer region is called Dhatki which is also known as ‘Thari’ Language. Thari is basically a rajistani language and is the most spoken language in the region. However some people also speak urdu and sindhi. Tharparker homes two kinds of classes , the muslims and the Hindus. According to a consensus held in 1998, muslims constitute almost 59% of the population whereas the Hindus constitute of the rest of 41% of the total population of the region.
The Thari culture is somewhat a mixture of the Gujrati, rajistani and Sindhi Culture. However the Rajistani Culture overshadows the other two. Also the Thari Music seems to be more inspired from the rajistani traditional music however it has a sound and feel of its own.